Batch #2: Smash Pass Submit, Smash Player (Ladies)


All of our T’s are fitted Next Level Suede cotton mix. Highest quality cotton blend shirt available. Fitted, wears well, and won’t shrink.
Black shirt, red on red lettering.

Smash On Smash Player!

SKU: GRY-SMSHSYN-1-1 Category: Tags: ,


Every wonder how sometimes the smaller guys are the ones who put the most pressure in the smallest of spaces? It’s their mastery of the technique, not cutting corners and relying on gravity to do my job for me. They’ve figured out the right angle that amplifies their force into the smallest of places for the most effort. Couple that with killing the center-line and we’ve seen smaller guys run the mat against the bigger opponent.

Meet Professor Chris Richey

Chris is “That Guy”- goes hard, goes 100mph, never stops, and never gives in. He Smashes with the best of the heavyweights and knows how to apply his force.

Currently a 1st Degree under Professor Elias Gallegos, Chris is an example of a small player who routinely plays heavy opponents and has to use technique to apply winning force. Against bigger opponents, the smaller opponent must use cunning tactics, push the pace, and keep controller the space.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is often an example of asymmetric warfare.

In Asymmetrical warfare, unconventional strategies and tactics adopted by a force when the military capabilities of belligerent powers are not simply unequal but are so significantly different that they cannot make the same sorts of attacks on each other.

Get Smashed


Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 3 × 5 × 1 in
Smash Sizes:

2XL, XL, L, M


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